The Judith Ehm Foundation only accepts proposals by invitation. It will consider requests from public charities recognized under 501(c)(3) or other appropriate IRS provisions. The Board will not consider organizations or programs that are political in nature.
The Board will consider proposals in one of two ways: (1) Board Member Identified Grants, and (2) Community Grants. For both proposal categories, organizations must be invited by a Board member.
Board Member Identified (BMI) Proposals – Directors may propose grant opportunities to the Judith Ehm Foundation Board based on their personal experience with various public charities. Typically, directors will have knowledge of the organization through prior employment, volunteer, board, or public service. As Directors are already involved with these organizations, each director is responsible for vetting, recommending, following up, and conducting any necessary due diligence. The interested board member will provide the board with a proposal and/or other information necessary for the Board to make an informed decision. The inviting board member will serve as the liaison between the public charity and the Foundation. Final decisions on proposed grants will be made by Board vote.
Proposals for Community Grants – Upon invitation by a Board member, a community organization may submit a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) Form to the Judith Ehm Foundation. The LOI is not a proposal. It is only an introduction to provide some background information about an organization, so the Board can consider whether it wants to request a proposal for a community grant from a public charity. All LOI forms must be accompanied by a copy of the organization’s 501(c)(3) letter and its most recently filed IRS Form 990. If the Board reviews the LOI and accompanying documents, it may request a proposal for a community grant, which will be considered separately.